A network of first-level
We're building a healthcare system that democratize
healthcare access to community & household level.
By empowering clinicians with point-of-care technology,
we serve the underserved communities.
We are developing a healthcare
system around you
Through our network of clinicians and mobile clinic vans that are fully equipped with point-of-care technology. Our aim is to bring health care to as close to our patients and to offer triage and checkups where they are — in person and digitally.
We are closing the last-mile
healthcare logistics gap
Through our network of eBikes, eTricycles, & drones fully equipped with cold-chain technology. Our mission is to decentralize access to healthcare and bring essential medical commodities — to marginalized communities.
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The DawaMom app provides patients with on-demand health.
Democratizing access to laboratory tests, and other services.